Sunday, September 22, 2013

Seeds of Grace

Just recently I have begun a " Gratitude" Journal. My inspiration started with a passage from Psalm 92:1,2.

V1.  It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord and to sing praises unto thy name Oh most High.

V2. To show forth thy loving kindness in the morning and thy faithfulness each night.
      I began to pray and ask the Lord to show me his loving kindness each day. And to show me as I lay my head down to sleep each night , what  his  faithfulness looked like for me that day.

This prayer became  as natural as breathing as I opened up my heart and senses. Sure enough I began to notice situations and circumstances each day that showed me his loving kindness towards me. Sometimes it was a phone call, a difficult situation turning around or just a blessing that came out of the blue.
  At night as I lay down and thought over my day ,I began to see little highlights of that day. Things that would have gone unnoticed if I had not been looking for them. Nevertheless, there they were, like little toy soldiers standing at attention, beckoning me...see here I am , Gods faithfulness to you
   This has continued now for weeks...everyday and every night that I choose to look for and seek his kindness and faithfulness it is there!

Thomas Merton once said, " there are seeds of grace flowing from God in every moment. Our job is to be present enough to receive them.

When I read this quote for the first time, the Lord showed me a picture: A little girl running in a field of wild flowers. In her hand was a butterfly net. The wind was blowing and she was chasing and catching dandelion seeds that had dried. These white, fluffy puffs, were whirling and twirling and dancing in the wind. "Catch me if you can"...they sang.



  1. That was touching and very nice that he can be there as we pray making our own prayer assured to be heard i love this writing amd how you end it ,

  2. I used to ask God before each run to let me be aware of HIs presence. Sure enough--a funny cloud would make me laugh, robins would play hopscotch or butterflies would land on my shoulder. Always, the observation came with the thought, "I am here, Carol." We've got to be open.
